Amlou – Almond Butter
Amlou is a natural and very rich spread made from a traditional Berber recipe. It is composed of pure Orange honey, organic roasted argan oil, almonds and other natural products.
Amlou is an exceptionally nourishing spread. It is very rich in vitamins, protein, digestive enzymes and mineral salts. It helps with digestion and the absorption of fats, stimulates insulin release, contributes to lowering bad cholesterol levels, and provides energy and strength.
Amlou is usually served for breakfast or afternoon tea with pancakes and pastries. It is perfect for children and adults.
Serve it as a spread or a dip on top of anything that makes you happy: ice cream, pancakes, bread, pastries …
After packaging Amlou can solidify and Argan oil rises to the surface, it is a natural phenomenon that guarantees its quality. Before consuming, stir until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. It is advisable to place it in a dry place away from light.